Video Interview Blog

Save time, find hidden gems - Use Smart Shortlisting

Written by Clayton Donnelly | Feb 14, 2022 1:13:31 PM

Hiring: costly or strategic?

Hiring is a time consuming process for strategic HR reasons.  Making bad hires costs organizations 3x the annual remuneration of the hire.  A misfit in culture, role requirements and the steep learning curve that new hires face are the primary factors that lead to this unintentional cost to the company.  Of course, there is all the time and effort involved in working with a hire that does not fit well. However, we have ways to improve the quality of your hires including culture and role behavior matching.  

How to predict future success from a good hire -> What does science say?

85 years of predictive research (Schmidt & Hunter, 1998) into selection methods show that structured interviews as well as personality assessment lead to stronger performance prediction for the successful candidate.  myInterview offers a seamless experience to create structured interviews that a candidate can respond to at their convenience. Not only does this create a fair and even playing field, it also allows for candidates to be evaluated on the same criteria.  ()Read our blog article on powerful questions that dive deeper into a candidate's profile.  

Personality assessment has been around since the 1960s and has become increasingly popular over the last decade.  It has, in some ways, become a way of assuring that a candidate fits the company culture as well as the behavioral requirements of a role.  The most traditional way of assessing personality is through, what psychologists call, long-form personality questionnaires.  Candidates generally receive an assessment link to complete a questionnaire which can take up to 2 hours to complete (who has the time for this?).  Also, candidates are required to answer questions about their work behaviors - but what about blindspots? Does a candidate realistically know with absolute confidence that their answers are realistic, or is it merely their own personal views of their behavior? 

Dealing with the blindspot?

There is a compelling case for rather observing behaviors than asking candidates their opinion of their own behaviors.   Traditionally, to do this scientifically, a team of psychologists or behavior experts that understand personality-at-work could observe an individual and use a structured scoring sheet that focuses on personality.  Do you have a team in your company that does this? This is probably unrealistic when you are hiring for many roles.  myInterview has created a smart solution that tackles the challenge of the “blindspot”, by observing personality behaviors objectively through technology that was built on real candidate responses, well respected psychometric theory, and a diverse team of psychologists that audit our algorithm.   

Smart Shortlisting - it is fun, try it. 

Our team of behavioral psychologists, talent experts, machine learning engineers, and auditors have put together a simple way of automating the process of scoring personality and providing your company with insights on job-fit.  

What do you need to do:

  1. Review and understand the key requirements, particularly from a culture and job-fit perspective
  2. Create a job in the myInterview dashboard and complete the Smart Shortlisting survey.  In the survey you will be asked to choose and rank the most important aspects of the role. 

  3. Select or create your interview questions.  We have templates to help you :)
  4. Brand your job to get an optimal response rate. 
  5. Invite your candidates to complete their interview. 
  6. Make a cup of coffee, do other work, and myInterview will receive the candidates’ responses and score personality (more on this later). 
  7. Candidates will be ranked according to job-match, get some popcorn ready and watch the top ranked candidates first -> then decide what the next step is for the candidate.  

Our recommended shortlisted candidates have been screened by myInterview, but as with any other assessment tools, the final decision is up to the hiring manager. 

Now for the really geeky science - how do we analyze the candidate’s personality?

We use what the candidate has said in the interview by transcription, we analyze the content for personality behavior markers or tags.  We also look at known behavior tags from voice, for example: speed of speaking, intonation and emphasis - don't worry, accent doesn't impact this analysis.  

What about image and facial/body language? 

We also don’t use the candidate’s face, image or any backgrounds when reading personality - we don’t believe there is sufficient research, at this time, to support this type of assessment. 

Summary: you get a team of behavior experts, through our proprietary technology, that helps you find hidden gems and provide solid recommendations of which candidate videos to watch first.   Give it a try, it is included in the Performance Plan for free :)

Need professional support with these features? Reach out, we will be happy to help.